Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Introducing NextReads!

New Books, Old Favorites and Buried Treasures!

Exciting New e-Newsletter Service Brings the Library to You!

The Bartow County Public Library System has announced the introduction of a new e-newsletter service, called NextReads. No library card is necessary—just an email address—for library website visitors and patrons to subscribe to any of the 16 different subject and genre newsletters for all ages.  List topics ranging from Biography and Memoir to Fantasy to New York Times Bestsellers are sent on a regular basis, and include up to 10 titles. Subscribers can link directly to the library catalog from books of interest on the lists, and place a hold or request a title immediately. Even those library patrons without email addresses can take advantage of the lists by viewing them online, either at the library or from any Internet access point.

 Carmen Sims, Library Director, states "We see the introduction of the NextReads e-newsletter service as being an important part of our outreach to the community. We will be able to better serve our many patrons who are less able to visit our facilities in person to browse the shelves and book displays or ask for staff assistance to find something new to read. Our newsletters will be an opportunity to bring the library to them-whether they are at work, school, home, or on the road.  The newsletters include links to the library catalog of all items listed in the newsletter in order for users to place holds or
request new items.  Each newsletter includes a "Focus On" section which spotlights older titles you might have missed within that genre."  Our Web site, found at is considered a "virtual" branch of the library, open 24 hours a day, available 365 days a year."

Adult Services Coordinator Colleen Knight sees the NextReads e-newsletter as a way to improve communication with library patrons and the community at large. “Connecting our readers and listeners with books has always been a priority for us. Now we will be able to connect patrons with the genre of books that they want and read.  Nextreads also gives us the opportunity to inform patrons of the events and programs at the library that might be of interest to them.”

Visit your local branch, in person or online, to sign up for your NextReads e-newletter today!  Since NextReads is a similar Reader’s Advisory service to what we were offering in our blog, only much better, we will be discontinuing the blog.