This fall I've found myself turning to books set in
Victorian England. But just because they have similar settings doesn't mean
these stories are all the same!
The Quick by
Lauren Owen might be my favorite adult fiction of the year so far. Most of the
publicity for the book has kept major information about the plot a secret, but
here’s what I can tell you without spoiling anything (although for me, that information was what made me
pick the book up in the first place). In London in 1892, the young poet James
Norbury is befriended by Christopher, a young aristocrat who introduces him to
high society. When James vanishes, his older sister Charlotte searches for him,
a quest which takes her among both the wealthiest and poorest parts of the
city. Part historical literary novel and part genre novel, The Quick examines power and class structure of Victorian London,
but doesn't skimp on terror or adventure.
Do you have any favorite books set in Victorian England? Or
does a different historical setting call out to you?